December 2018 CVARC monthly meeting minutes

Chippewa Valley Amateur Radio Club
Regular Business Meeting Minutes

December 4th, 2019

Eagles Club, Hallie, Wisconsin

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President Rod Vizer, KD9HSA  at 19:00, CDT on December 4, 2018.


Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer’s report: Balance per Gloria, KC9GLO:

Savings           $2294.76

Checking          $65.60


Old Business:

John, AA9JL and Wayne, K9WKJ discussed their investigation of  problems with our VHF repeater.


New Business:

After a short discussion a motion was made and seconded to make a $100 donation to the Paul Bittner, W0AIH Scholarship Fund. The treasurer will write a check and follow up with the donation.

Bruce Mitchell, AA9AB announced that he had brought to the meeting a supply of crystal oscillator and frequency counter project kits for sale to any interested parties for a princely sum. There was no documentation, but a website does have some information:


Steve Voller, KB9VUJ a member of the Eau Claire amateur Radio Club presented an idea to the club that he had recently become aware of.

As part of our educational outreach to schools through our Education & Technology Program, each summer the ARRL offers multiple sessions of the Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology, an expenses paid professional development seminar, in locations through the U.S. The Teachers Institute has provided teachers at all grade levels with tools and strategies to introduce basic electronics, the science of radio, space technology and satellite communications, as well as weather science, introduction to micro-controllers and basic robotics in their classrooms. The curriculum is designed for motivated teachers and other school staff who want to learn more about wireless technology and bring that knowledge to their students. Educators may attend these sessions for very little cost and it is thought that teachers who are amateur operators could possibly use this opportunity to introduce amateur radio in the classroom. There is more information available on the ARRL website.

Additional note:

There will advancement testing Saturday December 8, 2018 at 13:00 following Technician Class training at St Joseph’s Hospital in Chippewa Falls.

You may be able to monitor the International Space Station on 145.800.

Minutes may now be accessed online via our W9CVA website within a few days of our last meeting.


Attendance record:

Members: Wayne Johnson, K9WKJ; Gloria Johnson, KC9GLO; Gary Mohr, KD9CIT; Ron Krueger, W9JRW; Rod Vizer, KD9HSA; Robert Bernhardt, AC9JU; John Lindberg, AA9JL; Ron Anderson, W9RMA; Ron Larson, W9RLL; Alex Myrman, AC9DX; Ken Dicks, AC0GV; Dan Brandner, N9DJB; Jason Schrofe, KC9RIJ and Glen Jones, K5GKJ.

Nonmembers: Bruce Mitchell AA9AB, Steve Voller, KB9VUJ

Meeting adjourned 19:50.