ARDC grant

The Chippewa Valley Amateur Radio Club, Inc. is proud to announce the receipt of a grant from the Amateur Radio Digital Communications, Corporation. The purpose of this grant is to help fund the purchase and outfitting of a Ham Radio Emergency Communications trailer along with necessary supporting equipment including electrical generator, antennas, and the like. The trailer will include heat and air conditioning to accommodate year-round use. We intend to take this trailer to various schools in the hopes of educating the next generation of ham radio operators. The trailer will also be involved in various forms of supporting activities such as Sky Warn severe weather spotting.

Amateur Radio has three levels of Federal Communications Commission licensing. Passing a specific test is a prerequisite for obtaining an FCC License. Each license has various frequency privileges that come with each level of license. There are several different served agencies that may request using Ham Radio support including County Emergency Government, Police, Fire, Red Cross, hospitals, D.N.R., Etc.

The mission of Amateur Radio Digital Communications [ARDC] is to support, promote, and enhance digital communication and broader communication science and technology, to promote Amateur Radio, scientific research, experimentation, education, development, open access, and innovation in information and communication technology.

Mid-MO Amateur Radio Club – KØETY

WØO will once again be haunting the ether on Halloween from Frankenstein, MO.!

Stop by and say hi to Igor, Vlad, Drac or whoever else might awake to tickle the ionosphere. CW and SSB will be in play. Bewitching hour starts around 1900 UTC October 31st continues until the bands die. Watch the spotting networks for current frequencies.

To receive this years unique QSL card you must send contact info along with a No. 10 SASE (smaller envelopes will require the card to be folded). See for details.

73 and Happy Haunting,

Frank N. Stein



Friday Night, October 30, 20201600 – Midnight Your Local Time

THE ZOMBIE SHUFFLE is an annual evening event for QRPers to get on the air, have some fun, and rack up a really big score in spite of what your CW or operating skills may be. It is held the Friday nearest Halloween each year and to avoid the ARRL CW Sweepstakes contest.

ARISS SSTV Event Scheduled for early October

ARISS SSTV Event Scheduled for early October

ARISS News Release                                                                                     No.   20-21    

October 02, 2020 — An ARISS Slow Scan TV (SSTV) event is scheduled from the International Space Station (ISS) for early October. The event is scheduled to begin on October 4 at 14:00 UTC for setup and operation and will continue until October 8 ending at 19:15 UTC. Dates and times are subject to change due to ISS operational adjustments

Images will be downlinked at 145.8 MHz +/- 3 KHz for Doppler shift and the expected SSTV mode of operation is PD 120. The main theme of this collection of images will be Satellites. Radio enthusiasts participating in the event can post and view images on the ARISS SSTV Gallery at .

After your image is posted at the gallery, you can acquire a special award by linking to and follow directions for submitting a digital copy of your received image.