Are you ready to join Chippewa Valley Amateur Radio Club, Inc.? You can start by printing our membership application.
Once you’ve filled it out, you have the option of mailing it, along with a check for the appropriate amount, to;
Chippewa Valley Amateur Radio Club
5855 197th Street
Suite 73
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Full Membership – Full membership is open to licensed Amateur Radio operators. Full membership carries all club privileges including the right to hold office and vote on all questions presented to the membership.
Family Membership – Family Membership is is for those families with 2 or more licensed Amateur Radio operators living in the same household. Any Amateur Radio operator, 18 or older, will have the right to hold office and vote. A child maybe either natural or by adoption.
Associate Membership – Associate Membership is open for those individuals that are actively engaged in a class leading to Amateur Radio license and all other interested persons (i.e. SWL, GMRS, etc.) Associate Membership includes all club privileges except the right to hold office or to vote for officers and constitutional changes.
If you would like to make a donation to Chippewa Valley Amateur Radio Club you may send your check to;
5855 197th Street
Suite 73
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Or, you may use the convenient button below to make your dontion online.