The SKCC Slow Speed Saunter aims to bring together operators at a slower CW pace Continue reading “SKCC’s Slow Speed Saunter”
ARRL CEO event canceled because Part 97 rules
the up coming ARRL CEO on air chat event canceled
Continue reading “ARRL CEO event canceled because Part 97 rules”
spring time is repeater repair time or “Poly is dead”
we have a had some comments on one our local VHF machines about it being weak and noisy Continue reading “spring time is repeater repair time or “Poly is dead””
ARRL CEO Connecting Directly with Hams via W1AW
ARRL CEO Howard Michel, WB2ITX, to be on air with Hams via W1AW
Continue reading “ARRL CEO Connecting Directly with Hams via W1AW”
MARS COMEX asks for WWV/H reception reports
Chippewa Valley Informational Net
Happy to announce the start of a new weekly net here on the W9CVA 147.375+ 110.9 repeater Continue reading “Chippewa Valley Informational Net”